La nota azienda automobilistica del Gruppo FCA offre opportunità di lavoro e di stage. Fiat al momento è alla ricerca di personale per le sedi in Emilia Romagna, Piemonte e Puglia e i settori con più richieste sono R&D, Aftersales, Powertrain, Engineering e Finance. Nello specifico le figure ricercate per la sede di Orbassano (Torino) sono:
- Automated Driving – Control Systems Specialist;
- Automated Driving Simulation/Hardware in the Loop;
- Infotainment Project Chief.
Per la sede di Torino:
- Body Computer Software, Test Engineer;
- Mechatronics Engineer;
- System Engineer;
- Software Developer;
- Hardware Architect;
- Software Architect;
- Validation Engineer;
- Project Chief, Vehicle Wiring Harness;
- Project Chief, PASD & Wiring Harness;
- Project Chief, Electronic Architecture Integration.
Per la sede di Modena:
- Vehicle Door handles & Levers Specialist;
- Vehicle Connectivity Specialist;
- Clusters & Display, Engineering Specialist;
- Design Responsible, Body/Closures;
- Body unit, Door modules & power lifters Specialist;
- CAD Designer, Airbag Specialist;
- Body Unit, Bumpers Specialist;
- Vehicle Body Electromechanics Specialist;
- Project Chief, Body/Closures;
- Body Project Responsible;
- Performance & Fuel Consumption, Fleet Compliance & Data Analysis Specialist;
- Electric Vehicle Specialist;
- Accounting Specialist Categorie Protette (l.68/99);
- System Engineer, Infotainment & Display System;
- Project Leader eDrives BEV;
- Project Manager, Customization;
- Product Specialist;
- Project Chief, Interior Restraints;
- Professionisti appartenenti alle Categorie Protette (l.68/99);
- Electrical Architecture Integration, Design Responsible;
- Assistant Chief Engineer, Electrified Propulsion;
- Vehicle and Powertrain Automotive Engineer;
- Vehicle Upperbody Design Specialist;
- Design Integrity Responsible (DIR);
- ADAS Specialist, Vehicle Integration & Validation;
- Planning & Reporting Senior Specialis;
- Automotive Benchmarking Engineer;
- Project Chief, Body/Exterior Trims;
- Design Leader, Interiors;
- Failure Analysis Search Team (FAST) Specialist;
- Accountant Specialist;
- Body unit, Door latches Specialist;
- Project Chief, PASD & Energy;
- System Engineer, Electronic Architecture Integration;
- Body Unit, Trims Specialist;
- Project Chief, ADAS;
- Project Chief, Audio & Telematics.
Per la sede di Bari:
- Software Engineer.
Per maggiori informazioni e per candiarsi alle offerte di lavoro è possibile consultare il sito nella sezione Lavora con noi.